kingdom men’s Ministry
Kingdom Men philosophy: Manhood and Christ-likeness are Synonymous!
Christian men desperately need an active, vibrant ministry to educate, challenge, and to unify them for kingdom purpose. Many men lack understanding of God’s word, especially as it applies to specific aspects of who they are, why they were created, as well as how God’s word applies to all aspects of daily living.
I’ve found that a lot of men live primarily for their jobs, and/or careers; and are caught up with “punching the clock” (working to support their families, and their livelihoods, as well as pursuit of homes and vehicle ownership, and other material items). These are good goals that every man should pursue but without God’s perspective and His predestined plan for why he exists, it becomes easy for him to become dissatisfied, unfulfilled, and vulnerable to sinful temptations. It is for these reasons that Victory In Christ Kingdom Church has established the Kingdom Men’s Ministry.
In this ministry, men:
- Are taught to love, worship, and glorify God
- Become priests in their homes
- Lead their families according to the Word of God
- Get involved in bible studies and discipleship
- Become accountable to one another
- Strongly encouraged to attend weekly prayer
- Enjoy fellowship with other Christian brothers @ breakfast and luncheon events
- Participate in Men’s All-Night Prayer
- Go on outings and Men’s Conferences
Kingdom Men’s Ministry at Victory is for every man who senses a higher calling in Manhood!